
HeliOS is a lightweight, open-source embedded operating system designed primarily for low-power embedded systems.

It functions as a multitasking kernel, enabling embedded developers to implement and manage concurrent tasks with ease. HeliOS boasts efficient inter-process communication mechanisms and a uniquely balanced cooperative multitasking scheduler, making it a versatile choice for various applications, from hobby projects to more complex embedded systems.

Features List

  • Multi-Tasking: Supports both event-driven and cooperative multitasking models, which can be used concurrently.
  • Event-Driven Tasks: Wake tasks in response to events or on a timer basis without the need for active waiting.
  • Cooperative Tasks: Implement a runtime balanced cooperative scheduling model to prevent task monopolization.
  • Inter-Process Communication: Offers direct-to-task notifications, message queues, and stream buffers for efficient data exchange between tasks.
  • Memory Management: Includes a protected, static memory allocation system, avoiding the need for common malloc() and free() calls.
  • Device Driver Support: Kernel mode device driver model for developing drivers for various features or peripherals.
  • Built-In Safety Measures: Offers memory defragmentation and consistency checking to maintain system integrity.
  • Analytics and Debugging: Provides a robust set of syscalls and API calls for overcoming common challenges in embedded development.
  • Easy Integration: Can be added to Arduino and PlatformIO projects with minimal configuration.
  • Portability: With no reliance on context switching, the system avoids port-specific context save-and-restore operations.
  • Soft Real-Time Scheduling: While not hard real-time, HeliOS aims to efficiently manage task schedules with a soft-timing model.
  • Static Analysis Testing: The source code has been scrutinized with static analysis tools and MISRA C:2012 checks for reliability.
  • Licensing: Distributed under the GPL Version 2, encouraging open collaboration and modification.
  • helios. Docker container orchestration platform.
  • design-system. Helios Design System.
  • acer-predator-turbo-and-rgb-keyboard-linux-module. Linux kernel module to support Turbo mode and RGB Keyboard for Acer Predator notebook series.
  • bspwm-dots. Ozoz dotfiles for bspwm, i3WM.
  • react-native-helios. ⚛️ A fast, secure, and portable light client for Ethereum dApps..
  • helios. A Java-based Sega Mega Drive/Genesis emulator. And other systems too..
  • helios_lib. Helios Server (Helios is an end-to-end verifiable voting system) as library.
  • homeassistant-helios. Custom component for Home Assistant to connect Helios ventilation system..
  • HomeControl. Home control libraries, console, and Web applications using REST APIs and Modbus based on ASP.NET.
  • helios-examples. Helios examples from the book Cardano Smart Contracts with Helios.
  • ioBroker_Helios-KWL. Script for smart home automation platform @ioBroker that connects to and controls your Helios KWL ventilation system.
  • psf-election. Tools and documentation around running a PSF election.
  • helios-cli. A CLI for compiling Cardano smart contracts written in Helios..
  • helios. The Helios programming language.
  • Helios. A plugin API/tweaks on top of Orion Mixin loader & Paper server.
  • cardano-gc-helios-dapp. A GameChanger Wallet Dapp introducing support for Helios Smart Contracts with dapp protocol running hosted on-chain on Cardano using GCFS .
  • opencore_g3-572. Based on OpenCore 0.5.9.
  • secret-volume. A small daemon to manage sets of files containing secrets.
  • cytofclean. Fast auto-cleanup of CyTOF data.
  • CytobankGraphs. R Script for reading CyTOF or flow cytometry data (FCS) and generating plots like Cytobank.
  • helios_arduino. Code Arduino présent sur le Helios.
  • helios_ros. Package ros permettant une mission autonome du Helios.
  • ioBroker.helios. ioBroker Adapter für Helios KWL mit Helios easyControls.
  • helios-ls. The official language server for the Helios programming language.
  • helios. Helios.
  • CyTOF-PlotViewer. Plots log histograms of FCS files like CyTOF’s PlotViewer program.
  • sniffle. a component.
  • helios-exporter. Prometheus exporter for helios connecting to helios through modbus.
  • ViewportReplicator. A small app to move & rotate a DCS viewport.
  • CyTOF-Template-Creator. Shiny interface to create CyTOF .tem files.
  • cohesity_sdk. Cohesity Management SDK for Python..
  • Common-FCS-Channels. Opens two or more FCS files and creates new files that contain only the Channels common to all..
  • kairos_php. P2P framework for E2E verifiable voting systems, M.SC. CS Thesis Project.

Website: http://www.heliosproj.org

Source code: https://github.com/heliosproj/HeliOS

License: GNU General Public License v2.0

HeliOS Platforms

  • ARM

HeliOS Components