MaRTE OS is a Hard Real-Time Operating System for embedded applications that follows the Minimal Real-Time POSIX.13 subset.
- Supports mixed language applications in Ada, C and C++ (experimental support for Java as well).
- Offers the services defined in POSIX.13: pthreads, mutexes, condvars, …
- All services have a time-bounded response (including dynamic memory allocation with TLSF).
- Single memory address space shared by the multi-thread application and MaRTE OS.
- Available under the GNU General Public License 2.
- Based on the AdaCore GNU toolchain.
- Implements the Ada2005 Real-Time Annex
Sample projects and resources
- amode-rt-case-studies. This repository contains the artifacts related to some case studies performed to validade the concepts introduced in the Model-Driven Engineering approach named Aspect-Oriented Model-Driven Engineering for Real-Time systems (AMoDE-RT)..
- MarsRover-API. Consumindo informações do projeto Mars Rover da agencia espacial , e um projeto astro móvel marciano ou rover marciano é um veículo motorizado automatizado capaz de impulsionar a si mesmo sobre a superfície do planeta Marte, após seu pouso no mesmo.
License: GPL v2
MaRTE Platforms
- x86
MaRTE Components
- Network
- Logging